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What is your mission?The SB Food Pantry exists to honor God and provide food and basic needs to people struggling with poverty in Montgomery County. SB Food Pantry reaches out in love through compassionate volunteers to those in need.
What percentage of the Montgomery County, Texas population is in need of assistance?"In Montgomery County, TX, it is estimated that 11.7% of its population has limited consistent access to adequate food. Of this number, only 57% are eligible for assistance programs such as SNAP, WIC, or free lunch programs. The SB Food Pantry endeavors to fill this gap. (Source: Feeding America Website 2021 data)
How many people does the StoneBridge Food pantry serve?Since the SB Food Pantry opened their doors on August 28, 2009, they have served over 50,000 clients. Last year alone, the SB Food Pantry served over 11,000 men, women and children.
How is your food pantry different from other local food pantries?SB Food Pantry endeavors to care for their clients both physically and spiritually by uniquely offering expanded assistance to their families. Besides food for their clients and their pets, SB Food Pantry also provides clothing, personal hygiene items, gas cards and more through their core programs: Food Pantry, Clothing Pantry, Thanksgiving Baskets, Christmas Angels and Backpack to School. For more information visit “Programs” on our website home page ( Most importantly, the SB Food Pantry volunteers pray for and with their clients.
What is your relationship with other food pantries?While each local food pantry functions independently, we realize that we share similar goals. In times of crisis, we work together for the good of the community. This was most recently obvious in our community’s amazing response to the Hurricane Harvey disaster. We worked together to ensure that the generous donations received were efficiently shared.
How do clients find you?SB Food Pantry enjoys a supportive relationship with local food pantries and churches. All work together to identify and refer clients to appropriate community resources. Potential clients may also visit “Need Help?” on the home page menu for more details.
Where are you located? When is SB Food Pantry open?StoneBridge Food Pantry 1 StoneBridge Church Drive The Woodlands, Texas 77382 Phone: 281-789-7080 Website: Email: Facebook: StoneBridge Food Pantry Twitter: @sbfoodpantry Hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9:15am – 1:00pm *Note that the food pantry is closed during the 5th week of the month (visit the calendar on the website for our schedule)
What is your relationship with StoneBridge Church?While housed on the StoneBridge Church property, the SB Food Pantry functions independently from church finances as a separate 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
How do clients qualify for assitance?Potential clients may call 281-789-7080 to make an appointment with a SB Food Pantry administrator. During this visit, financial need will be determined and assistance offered. (To see if you qualify, visit “Need Help?” on the home page menu.)
What zip codes/communities do you serve? What do you do if a person from another zip code asks for help?Zip codes served by the StoneBridge Food Pantry are: 77301, 77302, 77306, 77316, 77353, 77354, 77355, 77356, 77357, 77362, 77375, 77384, 77385 and 77389. (For a map of these loactions, visit "Need Help?" on the Home Page menu.) Potential clients who do not live in the area served by the SB Food Pantry are directed to other community resources for assistance. In the interim, the SB Food Pantry will provide emergency assistance.
How is your annual budget spent?Of its annual budget, 90% of all the money donated was used to directly assist our clients. Only 10% of monies collected was spent on operating costs. Visit “Financial” under the “How We Make a Difference” button on the home page menu for more details.
Are you a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization? Do you provide a 1099 form at the end of the year?The SB Food Pantry is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Receipts are available upon request. Your donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Where do you get your food?The SB Food Pantry is stocked with food/personal hygiene items collected from several sources: items purchased using financial donations, items collected from local food drives and unserved food donated from local food industries and restaurants.
Can I make a one-time or recurring financial donation? How many people will my donation feed?The SB Food Pantry welcomes financial donations of any amount. Your donation of just $75 will go towards feeding a family of four for one month. Visit “Donate” on the home page menu for more details and to complete credit card payment or donation by mail.
Do you accept corporate donations or donation matching for volunteer hours?Yes, we do accept corporate donations! Corporate Patrons benefits include your name/logo on the Patron page of our website, on all SB Food Pantry social media pages, and displayed in the food pantry. Also, you can check with your employer to see if they will make a monetary donation for the hours you volunteer at the food pantry.
May I donate unserved food from my restaurant/food industry?Food Industry donors are welcome to join with us in serving our clients. Visit “Donate” on the home page menu and complete the “Contact Us” form. An SB Food Pantry representative will then follow up and coordinate the donations.
Other than writing a check, how else may I support the SB Food Pantry? May I volunteer?"SB Food Pantry is happy to assist local businesses and organizations in conducting food, clothing or toy drives. We accept unexpired non-perishable food, gently used clothing and new toys to share with our clients. You are also welcome to join our team of volunteers who personally serve our clients each month. For more specific information on donations accepted and special programs offered, visit “How You Can Help” on the home page menu.
Who can volunteer?Volunteers in the SB Food Pantry need to be 16 years or older. Individuals can volunteer weekly, biweekly or monthly in 2 or 4 hour shifts. We ask for a 6 month commitment when volunteering. Special arrangements can be made for group/organizations with members aged 15 or under. Groups/organizations can volunteer for one-time special projects and events. Visit “How You Can Help” on the home page menu to fill out our volunteer form online.
Did you know it can cost you nothing to donate to the SB Food Pantry?Kroger – You can give automatically with every Kroger purchase through their Kroger Community Rewards program. Visit Under the “Savings & Rewards” tab, click on “Kroger Community Rewards”. Then click on “Create Your Account” or “Sign In” if you have already set up your account. Follow the prompts and click on “Enroll Now”. Your account summary will pop up and under “Community Rewards” click on “Enroll”. Search for StoneBridge Food pantry and enroll it as your charity of choice. Under these programs, SB Food Pantry will receive donations when you shop.
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